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Enjoying simple moments as a country girl living the tiny lifestyle in a renovated truck camper. Lover of mornings and coffee, I share life with my best friend, Jonathan, my kitty cat, Macchiato, and my German Shepherd, Timber. Sharing an unpredictable lifestyle, and striving to be a positive influence.
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A Year of Life with a German Shepherd Dog
Owning a German Shepherd is a lifestyle. It's true! I heard this before I brought Timber home, but I wasn't[...]
Painted Desert Dayhike
We'd both been talking about going hiking for a while. I decided today was as good as any, and when[...]
Welcoming Timber, the German Shepherd Dog
I've been waiting over 10 years to get a dog. I always thought I would wait until we could buy[...]
Time for Jeans and Sweatshirts
The weather is finally changing and I was able to pull out my jeans and sweatshirt this morning. Fall has[...]
Desert Garden Prep for Fall Growing Season
Gorgeous sky this morning! Cooler temps are definitely on their way and I’m ready. I’ve already planted some beans, pumpkins,[...]
Camping Trip with the Cat
I grew up with lots of camping and outdoor experiences and I loved it all! But I could never understand[...]