Terms of Use

Thanks so much for joining in my journey through life here at Wife in the Country! I’m so glad my content is intriguing to you and I hope you find it helpful as well. Please know that all content published here is for informational (and possibly entertainment) purposes only. Know that you are taking this information at your own risk. You are reading this content of your own free will. I’m so glad you choose to to keep reading!

Copyright Policy

As the wife behind the blog, all of the text here is my original creation unless otherwise noted. I do accept guest posts from other bloggers occasionally and they are responsible for what they post here. I own the copyright to all photos on my site unless otherwise noted. If you would like to reproduce any of the content found on this blog, you will need my written permission.

Hold Harmless

I am still learning new things every day, right along side you as we live this beautiful life. Do not take any of the information presented here as professional advice. You are reading/using the information found here at your own risk.

Privacy Statement

Any personal information you share with me through my website will not be shared with third parties.  I really don’t even understand why spam is a thing…I mean, does it actually work sometimes?

This website does use cookies (I’m not talking about the yummy fresh baked ones. I wish!) to analyze and optimize your experience. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.

I am not responsible for republished content from this website on other blogs or websites without my permission. I am also not responsible for the privacy practices of any of my advertisers or blog commenters.

Reserve Rights

There are a lot of unknowns in life. Everything is constantly changing. For this reason, I reserve the right to change the focus of my blog, shut it down, sell it, or change it in any way at my own discretion, at any time – with or without notice.

Advertisers and Sponsors

One of my goals here is obviously to make an income. I have affiliate links, advertisers, and sponsors throughout the site. I may receive a small commission when you use one of my links to purchase a product. Thanks for your support! This helps me keeping blogging.

Should you follow a link to a product or service outside of my website, please know that you will need to address any issues that may come up directly with that company. I am not responsible for the way these companies do business.

Letters to the Editor

That’s me, isn’t it!? How fun, I’m the editor here and I hope you will get in touch with me. Anytime you write me a message (letter, email, Facebook comment, etc.), those words are yours and I respect that. I won’t republish any portion of your comment or message without asking you first.

This policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on March 3, 2017. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.